Therapeutic massage works best over time.

There are three kinds of people in Asheville: those who can count and those who can’t. No, seriously, there are three kinds of people:

  1. Those who’ve never had a massage.
  2. Those who’ve had a massage once or twice.
  3. Those who get regular massages.

If you already get regular massages (i.e., you’re in group #3), this article will reinforce what you likely already know. The rest of you are about to learn something new about therapeutic massage. Maybe this will cause you to reconsider massage as a necessity, not as a luxury. At the very least, you’ll understand why so many people are devoted to maintaining a regular massage routine.

The Pain and the Pleasure

If you’ve had a massage once or twice, you might have experienced a little pain as the massage therapist dug into muscles that weren’t accustomed to being dug into. The end result was restful relaxation, maybe in part because you knew the worst was over. But the memory of that pain has kept you from going back for more. But it doesn’t always have to be like that.

When you get regular therapeutic massages, your muscles loosen more and more with each visit. The pain you felt during that initial visit disappears. Instead, you get to relax deeper and deeper. The euphoria you felt at the end of the session becomes more sustained. That’s the value of getting a regular massage.

What Therapeutic Massage Does

Therapeutic massage in Asheville is a healing practice. Its benefits include:

  • Improving your range of motion
  • Reducing back, shoulder, neck, and migraine pain
  • Strengthening your immune system
  • Increasing your flexibility
  • Relaxing your muscles
  • Easing muscle spasms and cramps
  • Repairing injured or sore muscles
  • Stretching little-used muscles for better balance and health
  • Pumping oxygen, nutrients and endorphins throughout your body
  • Conditioning your skin
  • Lessening the crippling effects of depression and anxiety

The more often you get a massage, the longer these benefits last following each session. In addition, you may find your day-to-day life changing bit by bit. You experience less anxiety. You sleep better and awake refreshed every morning. Your energy level increases, and you find you can concentrate more clearly and for longer periods. Overall, your life improves, all because you’re getting regular massages.

How Often You Need a Massage

A regular massage means getting on the massage table at least once a month. More frequently is better, of course, but once a month is sustainable. It’s an investment in your physical and mental health. It’s a break from your normal routine. It’s a gift to yourself and an investment in your well-being. Invest in your overall health and find the time for a massage once a month.

Don’t put it off any longer. Get in the habit of having a regular massage. Lawrence Hines of Asheville Therapeutic Massage offers a welcoming smile and an introductory explanation of massage before you ever climb onto his massage table. Bring your questions, and Lawrence will answer them all. Then hop on the table for a relaxing, therapeutic massage.